What is The Happy Nomad Tour?
The Happy Nomad Tour is my Happiness Plunge. When I realized I wasn’t living the life I wanted and decided to take action to create a happier and healthier life for myself, I wrote down my passions and built a new life incorporating them. The Happy Nomad Tour was born!
I am slow traveling, telling the stories of the people and places I meet along the way, and trying to leave each place I visit better than how I found it by volunteering.
I am traveling slowly off the beaten path. I often stay in rural villages to understand the people and their way of life. The traditional way of life is very different from a modern, fast-paced way of life. I think there are untold lessons from traditional ways of life we can incorporate into modern life to improve quality of life.
I started the tour in August 2011 in Mexico, proceeded by land to Peru apart from a boat ride to get from Central America to South America, and continued throughout Southeast Asia, South Asia, The Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, The Caucuses, The Middle East, and East Africa!
This is the start of a new life based on my passions. Though I may not be able to travel forever, the inspirations and people I meet along the way will stay with me forever.
I will be focusing on the passions listed below:
Happiness: What does it mean to others? It’s a very relative thing and many people are happy despite having almost nothing. How do people cope with the demands of life and remain optimistic and positive? I will share what I learn and what I experience on the site by writing stories and posting videos.
Contributing: I am volunteering at organizations that are aligned with the causes I hold dear. Giving back fulfills me in a way no corporate job ever could me and I am volunteering in each country I visit.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): While traveling I will look for opportunities for businesses to invest in and support sustainable local community projects for win-win situations. CSR was the topic I was most interested in and passionate about during my MBA and I want to put the theory to the test in the real world.
Learning: Yes, I will learn the local culture, food, traditions, etc. But I am most interested in learning people’s outlook on life, how they live, and what they want out of life. I am becoming fluent in Spanish, building on the base I already had from living in Spain, and I hope to learn Hindi in India.
Teaching: I will speak to universities along the way, inspiring the students to think outside the box and pursue careers aligned with their personal goals and ambitions. I’ll share my story and hope they can avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made. I will also volunteer at organizations that focus on children. I can teach them math, English, or anything. But educating a child is a special experience and I plan to do as much of this as possible.
Telling stories: There is so much we can learn out there from others and I will tell the stories of the people and places I encounter along the way. At heart, we’re all children and few things are as wonderful as listening to an interesting story.
Empowerment: Too often people don’t have pride in themselves or where they are from. They may come from difficult circumstances. I will empower the people I meet along the way and the people reading the blog by sharing the stories of overcoming adversity and incredible strength I encounter during the tour. A little positivity goes a long way. A little empowerment changes lives.
I am sharing my secrets and what goes on behind the scenes in my “How The Happy Nomad Tour Rolls” series.
Contact Me!
If you have any questions feel free to contact me!