My Happily Single February 14th, 2012
It’s Valentine’s Day and for the 29th year in a row I’m single. Actually, happily single! But you know what? It’s great!
I used to be upset, not understanding how a seemingly decent guy never had any luck with the ladies. Now I really couldn’t care less.
It wasn’t until last year that I had this revelation though. When I decided I had to leave the corporate world and become a nomad, for the first time in my life I was thankful that I’m single.
I mean, imagine the conversation with my wife if our bond was formed under the auspices that I’d work and provide a good income for us, etc.
Me: “Honey, I want to quit this ‘perfect’ life and be a nomad and help others.”
Wife: “Hmm… That’s nice. By the way, did you remember to pay the electric bill.”
I’m kidding, of course. I’m sure my hypothetical wife would be awesome. But really, for the first time I kind of felt relieved to be single. I could make a huge, drastic decision that many of my happily married friends could only dream of.
I guess I kind of felt like everything does happen for a reason, and being perpetually single was just a part of that.
If you are single today, embrace it and go do something awesome that you couldn’t do if you were in a relationship!
In my case, I’m heading to a small town called Silvia today 1.5 hours from Popayan. On Tuesdays all the indigenous residents gather for their market day and they sell their fruits, vegetables, handmade goods, etc. It’s not touristy from what I’ve been told. Just the Guambiano Indians doing what they’ve done for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.
I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing today. And isn’t being excited about being alive and what you have planned for the day 365 days of the year 1,000,000 times more important than participating in a manufactured holiday?
I hope your plans for the day, whether you’re single or in a relationship, will be awesome!
Adam, hello. I laughed a lot with this article … and yes Valentine. I join the singlehappiest in the world, who love what they do, and is apparently alone. Super meet the Guambianos … no doubt you’ll see lots of vegetables … at last …. hehe …Happy Valentine’s Day.
In Bogota is cold but today is a day to share with Clayton, Hiro and Kenji warmth of friendship. a giant hug.
Glad to hear you laughed! And yes, I saw lots of vegetables today. Say hi to everyone for me!
Maybe single, but definitely not alone 😉
Enjoy your time in Silvia! Could you please ask the Guambiano Indians about a remedy that could cure a permanent cold/stomach-ache/sick-all-the-time girl?!!
Coraline, I’ll do my best! 🙂